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 全球的国际快递运输服务提供商 DHL Express 正在美国增加约 400 个新工作岗位,因为与去年相比,货运量实现了两位数的增长。

  DHL Express US 执行官 Greg Hewitt 表示:“入境货运量正在蓬勃发展,尤其是来自亚洲的货运,无论是个人防护设备 (PPE) 还是家庭必需品,我们的客户都依赖我们运送他们的货物,因此我们必须增加员工在我们的枢纽、门户和道路上,继续为我们的客户提供的服务。”

  由于人们因 COVID-19 被隔离,网上购物激增,Zui近几个月的量显着增加。口罩、手套和其他 PPE 等紧急货物也促成了与假日季节相似的运输量,但这些运输量并没有通常的季前高峰期准备时间。



  在 DHL Express Americas Hub(辛辛那提/北肯塔基国际机场),该公司正在增加约 150 个工作岗位,以应对同比增长 30% 的货运量。

  在该公司位于迈阿密国际机场的门户,连接该公司的南美洲、中美洲和加勒比地区网络,增加了约 30 个工作岗位,数量比去年有所增加。随着 5 月下旬开始的新香港 - 洛杉矶 - 迈阿密航班的实施,预计运量将再增加 22%。这条来自亚洲的新航班计划每周进港五次,每次航班将增加约 45 吨的运力。

  同样,DHL Express 位于 O'Hare International 的网关将需要 50 多名正式员工,以应对 2020 年同比增长 25% 的需求。该公司预计,随着企业补充库存以准备重新进货,出货量仍将保持高位。 -开口。

  未来几周内将填补的新职位包括在美国各地的直接管理、清关和门户运营、提货和送货服务以及坡道和分拣运营方面的性全职和兼职机会 由于传播的持续风险COVID-19,DHL 将继续提供虚拟招聘和招聘选项,包括远程面试和在线培训。一经录用,员工将亲自到地点上班。


  DHL Express, the world’s leading provider of international express shipping services, is adding approximately 400 new jobs in the United States due to a double-digit volume increase in shipments compared to last year.

  “Inbound shipment volume is booming, particularly from Asia,” said Greg Hewitt, CEO for DHL Express U.S. “Our customers are relying on us to deliver their shipments, whether it’s personal protective equipment (PPE) or home necessities, so we must add staff at our hubs, gateways and on the road to continue providing our customers with excellent service.”

  Volumes have significantly increased in recent months due to a spike in online shopping as people stayed quarantined due to COVID-19. Urgent shipments such as masks, gloves and other PPE also contributed to Holiday-season-like volumes, but these volumes have come without the usual pre-season preparation time for the peak.

  “Our challenge this year is that we’re seeing peak volumes in the summer, which is a nontraditional time. We normally have time to prep for peak season,” said Hewitt.

  At the DHL Express Americas Hub (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport), the company is adding about 150 jobs to handle the 30 percent year-over-year volume increase.


  At the company’s gateway at the Miami International Airport, which connects to the company’s South America, Central America and Caribbean network, about 30 jobs are being added to account for a higher volume than last year. Volume is expected to increase another 22 percent with the implementation of a new Hong Kong – Los Angeles – Miami flight that commenced in late May. This new flight from Asia, scheduled to run in-bound five times per week, will add approximately 45 more tons of capacity per flight.

  Similarly, DHL Express’ gateway at O'Hare International will require more than 50 permanent employees to respond to a 25 percent volume increase year-over-year in 2020. The company expects shipment volumes to remain high as businesses restock inventory to prepare for re-openings.

  The new jobs to be filled in the coming weeks include permanent full- and part-time opportunities in direct management, clearance and gateway operations, pick-up and delivery service, and ramp and sorting operations throughout the U.S. Because of the ongoing risk in spreading COVID-19, DHL will continue to offer options for virtual recruiting and hiring, including remote interviews and online training. Once hired, employees will physically report to work at the designated locations.

  While about 80 percent of the DHL Express U.S. employees work the frontline, 20 percent have been eligible to work from home during the pandemic. To protect frontline employees and those returning to the office, DHL Express follows governmental health guidelines for PPE such as masks and gloves, performs intense deep cleanings of facilities, informs its employees of new safety standards, and has modified workspaces by staggering shift times to guarantee proper social distancing.

  虽然大约 80% 的 DHL Express 美国员工在前线工作,但在大流行期间,20% 的员工有资格在家工作。为了保护一线员工和返回办公室的员工,DHL Express 遵循对口罩和手套等个人防护用品的健康指导方针,对设施进行深度深度清洁,告知员工新的安全标准,并通过错开轮班时间来修改工作空间以保证适当的社交距离。


 “作为一项必不可少的业务,我们能够在整个危机期间继续工作,”休伊特说。“在 DHL Express,我们的首要目标是让我们的员工保持健康。如果您考虑一下,通过防止病毒在员工之间传播,您可以保证员工的安全和工作——这是保持供应链畅通的方式。因此,我们尽一切努力进行调整、调整和即兴发挥,以确保我们的设施保持安全和运行。”

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