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myDHLi 具有模块化结构。用户可以通过选择他们想要的特定服务来个性化他们的门户。多亏了单点登录注册过程,所有服务从一开始就可用。不需要额外的注册或登录过程。myDHLi 对所有 DHL Global Forwarding 客户免费。

  此次发布从试点阶段开始,包括来自五大洲(北美、欧洲、亚洲、澳大利亚、非洲)的选定客户。myDHLi 正在分阶段推出,以确保逐个区域的平稳过渡。有兴趣的客户可以注册加入 myDHLi。将共享基于客户反馈的定期更新。之前的客户门户 DHLi 将在 myDHLi 推出完成之前可用。

  DHL Global Forwarding, Freight 不断致力于开发新服务,

  DHL Global Forwarding, Deutsche Post DHL Group’s air and ocean freight specialist, has launched myDHLi, the only fully integrated online platform for freight forwarding customers. myDHLi’s highly intuitive user interface makes it easy to use and ensures that customers have all relevant information at hand. Reflecting already well established social media functions like follow and share, relevant information can be easily accessed across organizations and trading partners. Completely transparent management of freight rates, offers, transport modes, carbon emissions, and all other relevant shipment data is readily available with just a few clicks and can be displayed in detailed analyses and reports. One of the most unique aspects is the benefit of full visibility and control over all shipping and transport modes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


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