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DHL投资1.75亿美元在上海浦东国际机场建设的北亚枢纽正式启用,这是DHL在亚洲*大快递转运中心。当天,上海机场(11.83,0.17,1.46%)总裁李润德向与会媒体透露,联邦快递也即将在浦东机场投资兴建一个不低于UPS的“洲际级”货运枢纽设施。而几年前,UPS已经在浦东机场建成国际转运中心。 全球经济形势低迷,没有妨碍洋快递加码中国市场,逆势发力的缘由首先是受压于业务量增长。


香港枢纽已经完全超负荷了,DHL快递亚太地区首席执行官许克威(Jerry Hsu)对《英才》记者直言,表面上看,上海的北亚区枢纽投资1.75亿美元,其实,不能光盖房子不提供飞机支持,DHL在航空上还投资了1.3亿美元。近几年,DHL三分之一的投资集中于亚太地区,累积投资已达25亿美元。与之呼应的是业绩增长,在2011年,DHL中国市场运营收入已达到42亿欧元,超过亚洲运营收入的一半;同时,DHL在亚太区收入已占全球总收入近20%。


DHL's two old enemies, FedEx and UPS, have 21% and 10% market shares in the Asia Pacific market respectively, China Post accounts for 12%, and DHL has a large advantage of 36%. This year, on the occasion of the war supervision in Shanghai, a group of seven members of the board of directors of Deutsche Post DHL Group came to China for a three week visit and announced that another 400 million euros would be invested in China in the future. This conservative German old brand enterprise seemed a bit radical. however, Frank Appel, chairman and CEO of DHL, said: "In the next few years, the global GDP will still grow by 3% - 5%, and China's GDP growth rate will be higher than this level. Although the three giants are competing for the same position, DHL is trying to make the operation mode and mode of the Shanghai hub more international. The major difference after the goods are transferred to DHL Shanghai hub is that the destination is not limited to the Chinese market, but also can be Asia, the Americas, Europe and even the Middle East. Compared with the financial chain disruption dilemma of many local express delivery, DHL stands The long-term layout of China's global radiation inevitably attracts envy. However, as an enterprise with a history of decades in China, DHL has only focused on international express business, which has also gone through a tortuous road.

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