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  DHL 资助的初创公司 Greenplan 正在推出一种强大的算法,用于优化物流中的交付路线和停靠点序列。该算法充分利用了智能路由的潜力,使用所有可用信息和数据来优化整个交付区域的运输路线,而现有解决方案正在处理较小的子区域以应对复杂性。在此过程中,Greenplan 树立了新的**。它在不影响规划质量的情况下提高了行业的效率和可持续性努力。该算法由波恩大学的科学家与 DHL 物流专家合作开发。Greenplan 为客户的公路货运业务和一英里交付以及现场服务提供商的服务时间表提供支持。

  “我们 Greenplan 希望帮助该行业提高效率和可持续性。Greenplan 执行官 Clemens Beckmann 博士解释说,凭借我们智能而强大的算法,我们正在通过提供可集成到现有系统中的可靠的解决方案来解决高效路线规划的复杂任务。“与市场上几乎所有的工具相比,Greenplan 根据街道上可用的历史交通信息计算路线。与标准路线优化解决方案相比,这反过来又使我们的客户能够节省高达 20% 的成本,并相应地降低碳足迹,只需减少行驶里程。”

  客户需求不断变化:不断增长的电子商务市场推动了对当日交货的需求,而合同物流市场越来越关注及时处理。Greenplan 算法适用于此类情况,不仅能够消化目标地址,还能够消化发货级别的个别交货时间窗口。通过考虑与时间相关的、特定于街道的旅行时间,Greenplan 还找到了送货旅行的开始时间。这些改进的旅行增加了客户的可预测性,并且对司机来说显得很自然。该解决方案还支持在数据不完整的情况下进行应急计划,并考虑与系统相关的变量,例如不同的装载类型或遵守法规。

  Greenplan 使客户能够通过更短的距离和更少的旅行来减少二氧化碳排放,从而推动他们自己的绿色战略。Greenplan 不仅提供了基于计划交付路线的估计碳足迹的可见性,它还考虑了每种车辆类型的排放量,以规划二氧化碳效率的路线。此外,该算法能够考虑电动车队的特定参数,例如每辆车的范围限制。总而言之,对于相同的交付工作,智能算法可以降低成本和二氧化碳排放量。这不仅可以帮助物流公司,还可以支持需要计划员工时间表的现场服务提供商。

  物流是一个高度分散的行业,为单个流程提供多种解决方案。为了充分发挥容量的潜力并优化资源管理,Greenplan 与波恩大学离散数学研究所合作设计了一种新的智能算法,能够满足客户独特的业务需求,同时仍能确保较短的计算时间。

  Greenplan, a DHL financed start-up company, is launching a powerful algorithm for optimizing delivery routes and stop sequences in logistics. The algorithm leverages the full potential of smart routing, using all information and data available to optimize transport routes in an entire delivery area, while existing solutions are dealing with smaller sub-areas to cope with complexity. In doing this, Greenplan sets a new benchmark. It bolsters the industry’s efficiency and sustainability efforts without making compromises on the quality of planning. The algorithm was developed by scientists from the University of Bonn in cooperation with DHL logistics experts. Greenplan supports customers with their road freight business and last-mile deliveries as well as field service providers with their service schedules.

  “We at Greenplan want to help make the industry more efficient and sustainable. With our smart and powerful algorithm, we are tackling the complex task of efficient route planning by offering a precise and reliable solution that can be integrated into existing systems,” explains Dr. Clemens Beckmann, CEO at Greenplan. “In contrast to nearly all tools on the market, Greenplan – for the first time – calculates routes according to historic traffic information available on street-level. This, in turn, enables our customers to save up to 20 per cent costs compared to standard route optimization solutions and to lower their carbon footprint accordingly, simply by reducing kilometers driven.”

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