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DHL 宣布与全球的 ESL 建立正式合作伙伴关系,并正在扩大其在电子竞技市场的品牌影响力,该市场正以数百万的粉丝和活跃玩家呈指数增长。ESL 举办和营销电子竞技联赛和赛事,包括流行电子竞技学科 Dota 2、反恐精英:全球攻势 (CS:GO)、星际争霸 II 和英雄联盟的锦标赛。此外,ESL 制作其电子竞技比赛的直播,并通过所有主要数字渠道进行分发,例如 Facebook、YouTube、Twitter 和 Twitch。


DHL provides ESL with core logistics services. As a sponsor of creative live content, its brand will be displayed through further communication measures on various social media channels and in the entire ESL One series of championships. Through this new cooperation, DHL will join a series of partnerships, some of which are long-term, in the following fields of sports, culture and lifestyle, in a sport that not only develops rapidly in the world, but also provides value and enjoys the participation of high-level fans. The requirements for players are huge. To reach their level, they need high attention, speed, tactical skills and teamwork ability. The fast-paced nature of the game means that only a fraction of a second can be the difference between victory and defeat. It is the combination of speed and excitement that fascinates so many audiences. As early as March 2018, DHL announced the establishment of a formal partnership with the Formula One e-sports series to enter the promising field of e-sports. As part of the cooperation with Bayern Munich Football Club, DHL banner ads will appear in football simulation video game FIFA 18.

The new cooperation enables DHL to be active in businesses that attract the growing trend of the younger generation. Large e-sports events and their players excite hundreds of millions of fans around the world, and more than 60% of them are between 16 and 35 years old, And the content and format tailored to their interests and media usage patterns, "said Arjan Sissing, director of corporate brand marketing of Deutsche Post DHL Group. "We are very happy to find a partner in ESL, which is one of the participants in the international e-sports business. Through our partnership, we intend to create a unique moment to bring people together.


ESL's many large e-sports championships are distributed in major sports arenas around the world. Tens of thousands of fans watch the live broadcast, and millions of online viewers pay attention to the event on social media. In 2017 alone, ESL tournaments and leagues attracted more than 200 million independent viewers. Teams and players from all over the world compete against each other on ESL One - Dota 2 and CS: GO have millions of euros of bonuses every year, with high stakes. "At DHL, we have found the perfect partner to provide the necessary support for the complex logistics challenges we face in the global championship," said Ralf Reichert, executive officer of ESL. "With DHL joining our team, we are happy to create additional value for e-sports and e-sports communities around the world,


As a logistics partner, DHL will be responsible for the event logistics of the ESL One series of events, not only transporting stage equipment to the venue of the entire series, but also transporting individual player seats belonging to the player team. Here, DHL can make use of decades of logistics knowledge. Vincenzo Scrudato, Managing Director of DHL Trade Fairs&Events, said: "Each event, each shipment and each location has its own unique needs and requirements, and the corresponding logistics must be customized." All logistics components need to take care of the details - from air transportation A to zero defect Z. "The two electronic competitive games in the world, the real-time strategy game Dota 2 and the personal shooting game CS: GO, are all carried out in the championship. The Dota 2 Championship in Birmingham will begin at the end of May, and then the CS: GO Championship will be held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in June. The ESL One series will go to Cologne in July, New York in September and Hamburg in October.

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