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DHL 和美国的大学斯特恩商学院今日发布 DHL 全世界连接性指数值 (GCI) 的 2019 年升级,在其中体现出了资产、商贸、信息内容和管理国际性流动性的关键所在发展趋势。新结果显示,国际资本流动委缩造成全世界连接性在 2018 年略有下降。但是,虽然全世界国际局势和贸易逆风翻盘强悍,但 GCI 仍贴近 2017 多年的历史上位。全球依然比基本上一切其它国家都更加紧密古代历史,到现在为止都还没经济全球化发生普遍反转的征兆。

国际合作使世界各地的大家和企业能够协作并把握住机遇与挑战,DHL Express 执政官罗伯特皮尔森评论道。尽管现阶段的国际局势美俄关系可能受到破坏全世界连接性,但 2019 年的更新发觉,目前为止,大部分国际性流动性都能保持了令人震惊的弹力。说到底,我们现在看到的就是经济全球化的演化,而非它没落。***必须当心,不能对强势的说辞或今日头条新闻反映过多。

本次 DHL 全世界连接性指数升级是依据超出 350 万只我国间流量数据点测算得出来的。全覆盖2001年至2018年,一部分剖析2019年上半年度,深入剖析中美贸易关系,跟踪中美贸易摩擦大幅下降,并进行了解近期宣称经济全球化已经让坐落于区域性。ccffefef.jpg

我们自己的剖析并没有确认强劲区域性发展趋势。反过来,我们可以看到我国间出口贸易均值间距自 2012 年至今一直长期保持,美国的大学斯特恩商学院高端学者、DHL 全世界连接性指数关键创作者 Steven A. Altman 解释说。“尽管关键经济大国间的紧张关系可能造成地区线裂开,但是这种变化并未*后产生。


GCI 升级表明,2018 年中美贸易摩擦前期,商贸流动性持续增强,但是这种趋势并没有一直持续到 2019 年。国界线降低。虽然在今年的贸易额提高很有可能维持正增长,但预期不容易紧跟 GDP 提高的脚步。即便如此,现阶段的预测说明,到 2020 年,商贸抗压强度只能小幅度降低。

资本是该指数 2018 年下跌的支撑。 实际上,全世界连接性的下降彻底是通过国际资本流动委缩,尤其是外国直接投资 (FDI) 和资产配置导致的。尽管 2019 年的初期国际资本流动数据显示一些平稳,但这些指标的迅猛恢复依然难以达到。但是,*近外国直接投资降低的很大一部分主要是因为国外税收优惠政策的改变,这促进美国跨国公司将所持有的国外盈利汇回中国。这说明,股票基本面其实比表面上看起来更强悍,企业全球化并没有大规模撤离。


Worldwide information and personnel mobility: still promoting

The economic globalization of information flow advertising continues to advance, but the available countermeasures may slow down* Since the beginning of the 2000s, the growth of international communications has generally been much higher than that of China, but recent data shows that the growth rate of the two is more similar today. The mobility of people around the world is still advancing. The international tourism industry has been greatly promoted by the global economy's overseas travel and the free economy of visa standards. Although there are social policy objections, international migration continues to increase.

China's business activities still dominate

Looking forward to the future, the update in 2019 emphasized that all four total flows quantified by DHL's worldwide connectivity index - commerce, assets, information content and management - are now facing strong headwinds. The relatively high fortress and the uncertainty of the future opening up gradually bring great costs. In addition, according to a data survey report on economic globalization thoughts, many people did not realize that the world contact is actually so limited. Although the global connection is closer than at any stage in history, most business processes still occur in China rather than overseas. The report describes how this exaggerated view of economic globalization has led to the transformation of business decision-making and how it has belittled the huge development potential brought by the further increase of contacts around the world.

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