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联邦快递公司(纽约所代码:FDX)的子公司和全球的快递运输公司联邦快递今天宣布在欧洲启动小型企业资助竞赛。该竞赛为欧洲小企业提供了近 250,000 欧元的总赠款池,以帮助他们成长并实现其抱负。该比赛将作为单一的泛欧比赛进行,面向 16 个国家/地区的小型企业开放。

  该竞赛面向以下欧洲国家的员工人数不超过 50 人的营利性小企业开放:奥地利、比利时、捷克共和国、丹麦、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、英国。

  将选出15 名决赛入围者[1]角逐大奖(50.000 欧元)或三个评委选择奖之一:数字奖、可持续发展和创新策划人(每人 15.000 欧元)。除了决赛入围者争夺评审团颁发的四个奖项之一外,未入围的公司还参与公众阶段,并可以在他们的国家赢得人民选择奖,另外 15 名获奖者将获得 10.000 欧元每个。

  “在的时候,经营一家小企业是艰难的,但过去 18 个月确实推动了中小企业适应生存,”国际**副总裁、联邦快递和小企业赠款竞赛评审团成员海伦娜·詹森 (Helena Jansson) 说。“通过小企业资助竞赛,我们希望支持我们的小企业,帮助他们实现梦想,并谱写他们故事的下一个篇章。”

  FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and the world’s largest express transportation company, today announced the launch of the Small Business Grant Competition in Europe. The competition offers a total grant pool of nearly €250.000 to European small businesses to help them grow and achieve their ambitions. For the first time, the competition will be run as a single pan-European contest, open to small businesses based in 16 countries.

  The competition is open to for-profit small businesses with 50 employees or fewer across the following European countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

  Fifteen finalists[1] will be selected to compete for the Grand Prize (€50.000) or one of the three Judges’ Choice Awards: Digital Excellence, Sustainability Champion, and Innovation Mastermind (€15.000 each). In addition to the finalists competing for one of the four prizes awarded by the jury, the non-finalist companies take part in the public voting phase and can win the People’s Choice Award in their country, leading to 15 additional winners who will receive €10.000 each.

  “Running a small business is tough at the best of times, but the last 18 months have really pushed SMEs to adapt to survive,” said Helena Jansson, SVP Finance International, FedEx Express and Small Business Grant Contest jury member. “Through the Small Business Grant Competition, we want to get behind our small businesses, help them achieve their dreams, and write the next chapter of their story.”

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