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Following a thorough review, the independent Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) has officially confirmed that Deutsche Post DHL Group's climate targets are in line with the SBTi criteria and thus reflect the current state of climate science.  Deutsche Post DHL Group will significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and thus actively contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. 

"Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced, that is beyond question. With our global presence on all continents, we at Deutsche Post DHL Group want to and can make a measurable contribution to this. With our roadmap for the coming years until 2030, we have made a conscious decision to base our specific targets on scientific findings. We are therefore very pleased that the Science Based Target initiative has now officially confirmed our climate targets," explains Frank Appel, CEO of the logistics group.

Up to 42 percent less emissions in 2030


As previously announced, the company has committed to reduce the Group's annual greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms from 39 million tonnes CO2e in 2021 to below 29 million tonnes CO2e in 2030 across the three scopes 1 to 3. Starting from a base year of 2021, Deutsche Post DHL Group is committed to reducing absolute direct emissions from the use of fuels and indirect emissions from purchased energy – known as Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions – by 42 percent by 2030. Absolute Scope 3 emissions from fuel and energy related activities, upstream transportation and distribution and business travel are to be reduced by 25 percent by 2030. The target also includes land-based emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. 

The Group will invest a total of 7 billion euros in decarbonization by 2030. The funds will mainly flow into alternative fuels for air transport, the expansion of the zero-emission e-vehicle fleet and climate-neutral buildings. By 2030, Deutsche Post DHL Group aims, for instance, to use more than 30 percent sustainable fuels in air freight, ocean freight and road freight. Last-mile delivery is to be 60 percent e-delivery vehicles by the end of this decade. All new own buildings will be constructed with a climate-neutral design. To achieve those targets, the Group is already active in all areas of its business with a wide range of measures. These include contracts to purchase sustainable fuel for its air fleet as well as its growing use in the area of ocean freight, which is currently still heavily dependent on the availability of such fuels on the market. New electric vehicles are increasingly being used for deliveries on various continents, and in some countries the first electric trucks are also being used on long-haul routes. All of the Group's own new buildings are also being built on a climate-neutral basis as planned.

Board of Management remuneration also dependent on ESG targets

Deutsche Post DHL Group's climate targets are part of the ESG roadmap that has already been presented in the spring of 2021 as part of the Group Strategy 2025. Thus, in the future, part of the Board of Management remuneration will be linked to the achievement of ESG targets and the sustainability roadmap. The Group’s ESG roadmap is focused on the three central targets to achieve “Clean Operations for Climate Protection” (environment), to become a “Great Company to Work for All” (social) and to be recognized as a “Highly Trusted Company” (governance).

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