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 Similarly, DHL Express’ gateway at O'Hare International will require more than 50 permanent employees to respond to a 25 percent volume increase year-over-year in 2020. The company expects shipment volumes to remain high as businesses restock inventory to prepare for re-openings.

  The new jobs to be filled in the coming weeks include permanent full- and part-time opportunities in direct management, clearance and gateway operations, pick-up and delivery service, and ramp and sorting operations throughout the U.S. Because of the ongoing risk in spreading COVID-19, DHL will continue to offer options for virtual recruiting and hiring, including remote interviews and online training. Once hired, employees will physically report to work at the designated locations.


  While about 80 percent of the DHL Express U.S. employees work the frontline, 20 percent have been eligible to work from home during the pandemic. To protect frontline employees and those returning to the office, DHL Express follows governmental health guidelines for PPE such as masks and gloves, performs intense deep cleanings of facilities, informs its employees of new safety standards, and has modified workspaces by staggering shift times to guarantee proper social distancing.

  虽然大约 80% 的 DHL Express 美国员工在前线工作,但在大流行期间,20% 的员工有资格在家工作。为了保护一线员工和返回办公室的员工,DHL Express 遵循对口罩和手套等个人防护用品的健康指导方针,对设施进行深度深度清洁,告知员工新的安全标准,并通过错开轮班时间来修改工作空间以保证适当的社交距离。


 “作为一项必不可少的业务,我们能够在整个危机期间继续工作,”休伊特说。“在 DHL Express,我们的首要目标是让我们的员工保持健康。如果您考虑一下,通过防止病毒在员工之间传播,您可以保证员工的安全和工作——这是保持供应链畅通的方式。因此,我们尽一切努力进行调整、调整和即兴发挥,以确保我们的设施保持安全和运行。”

 FedEx Corp.(纽约证交所代码:FDX)旗下附属公司兼全球规模的速递运输公司之一联邦快递全新推出寄往欧洲地区的翌日达服务,把、香港、新加坡与法国、德国紧密相连,其亚洲至欧洲市场之间的隔夜递送服务得到进一步提升。

  欧洲经济体——德国2009年第二季度按年计算的经济增长率为1.3%,同时,区域内第二大经济体——法国按年计算的经济增长率也升至1.4% 。鉴于这些经济复苏的初步迹象,联邦快递对其服务进行了提升,每周一至周四,所有从香港、上海和新加坡发往法兰克福、科隆以及巴黎的联邦快递国际优先快递货件的转运时间只需一个工作日。
