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发布:2024-10-21 13:26,更新:2024-10-21 13:26

全球的物流公司 DHL 和 Trees For Houston 正在努力使德克萨斯州休斯顿地区更加绿色。今天,在地球日之前,近 45 名 DHL Supply Chain 员工通过捐赠和自愿植树来回馈社区,以支持更健康、更环保的社区。

  DHL Supply Chain 向 Trees For Houston 捐赠了 10,958 美元,用于支付 36 棵 15 加仑原生树和 20 棵 5 加仑果树的成本,以及两年的树木维护和浇水费用。DHL 志愿者和学生在 Sinclair 小学植树。辛克莱小学及周边地区受到飓风哈维的重创。选择这所学校是因为它现有的树木和校园内的学生遮荫。果树将成为供学生和教职员工享用的果园。


  “在 DHL,企业责任是我们战略不可或缺的一部分,它是由我们连接人们和改善生活的核心目标驱动的,”DHL 供应链美洲区人力资源副总裁 Tim Sprosty 说。“对于我们的员工来说,拥有这些机会来帮助改善我们生活和工作的社区并与之建立联系非常重要。我们的志愿者工作对于为我们的员工创造良好的工作文化和环境也至关重要。作为该国的雇主之一,以及休斯顿地区的雇主,我们很自豪能够支持这一努力。”


休斯顿树木每年在整个大休斯顿地区产生巨大影响。我们每年种植 20,000 棵树,并感谢 DHL Supply Chain 等合作伙伴的赞助,使我们能够这样做。通过我们种植和维护两年的方式,我们所有树木的成活率也达到了 95%。我们可以确保所有这些树木都能存活下来,并在辛克莱小学产生重大影响,”休斯顿树木部开发总监 Randi Koenig 说。

  DHL Supply Chain 在德克萨斯州大休斯顿地区的努力是其 2019 年在美洲多个大都市地区植树活动的一部分。到 4 月底,DHL Supply Chain 及其合作伙伴将向当地植树组织捐赠 50,000 美元,为该地区提供近 9,000 棵树木。正在计划今年秋季举办其他活动。除了这些当地的努力以及作为其每年种植 100 万棵树的目标的一部分,德国邮政敦豪集团将通过其全球合作伙伴关系在美洲地区捐赠 570,000 棵树。


  DHL, the world’s largest logistics company, and Trees For Houston are working to make Houston, Texas, area more green. Today, ahead of Earth Day, nearly 45 DHL Supply Chain employees gave back to their community by donating and volunteering to plant trees in support of a healthier and greener community.

  DHL Supply Chain presented a donation of $10,958 to Trees For Houston, covering the cost of 36, 15-gallon native trees and 20, 5-gallon fruit trees, as well as the maintenance and watering of the trees for two years. DHL volunteers as well as students planted the trees at Sinclair Elementary School. Sinclair Elementary School and the surrounding area was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey. This school was chosen because of its of existing trees and shade cover for students on its campus. The fruit trees will be an orchard for students and faculty to enjoy.

  The trees will act as sound walls, water and air filters, shade structures and beautify the school campus. The donation was raised through employee fundraising efforts and a company match in an effort to support urban forestry, help mitigate climate change and help educate students about the importance of protecting our environement.



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