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DHL Global Forwarding 和 Xylem Watermark 此前曾联手在危机时期为社区提供救灾服务。在津巴布韦飓风 Idai 过后,DHL Global Forwarding 和 Xylem Watermark 合作将脱水泵从印度经南非运送到受影响的社区。此外,赛莱默人员在地面部署的赛莱默设备从香港运往津巴布韦奇马尼马尼地区,为一个容纳200名流离失所居民的营地和一个每天为近10,000名患者提供服务的农村医疗诊所提供清洁水,减少了水的扩散传播疾病,如急性呼吸道感染、疟疾、腹泻和霍乱。

  DHL Global Forwarding 和 Xylem Watermark 也在 2019 年印度季风之后共同努力,他们合作为救济营地的 227,000 名流离失所者提供人道主义援助。他们一起快速协调响应,将物流响应时间缩短了 60%。作为协同努力的一部分,Xylem Watermark 和 DHL Global Forwarding 将饮用水清洁水系统和脱水泵从约翰内斯堡运送到印度卡纳塔克邦的战略要地,每天为多达 76,000 名居民提供清洁水。此外,该地区的五所学校通过过滤和太阳能泵获得了清洁的饮用水,使 5,000 多名学生受益。


  Xylem Watermark 与 DHL Global Forwarding 之间合作伙伴关系的商业扩展巩固了两家公司正在进行的人道主义工作,利用 DHL 和 Xylem Watermark 在帮助支持全球面临严峻危机的社区的恢复和救援工作方面的经验。

  DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist of Deutsche Post DHL Group, announced today that leading global water technology company, Xylem, has chosen DHL Global Forwarding as their primary logistics provider for humanitarian relief activities delivered through its corporate social responsibility program, Xylem Watermark. The two global companies will work together and leverage their extensive experience and footprint across the globe to bring aid to those areas that need it most following water-related natural disasters and crises.

  “We are excited to officially announce our newest partnership with Xylem Watermark to continue to help with our resilient logistics expertise and extensive footprint to respond to disasters around the globe,” said David Goldberg, CEO, DHL Global Forwarding, US. “The impact and urgency of natural disasters is increasingly evident, and we are looking forward to working with Xylem Watermark on deploying equipment and aid on the ground, quickly and efficiently, where needed most.”


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