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As the 2022 Formula 1® season came to end yesterday at the Formula 1® Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2022 in the United Arab Emirates, the series’ Official Logistics Partner DHL awards Max Verstappen with his first ever DHL Fastest Lap Award. The world champion was the fastest man on the track on five out of 22 race weekends before the grand finale in Abu Dhabi. While Oracle Red Bull Racing showcased outstanding teamwork for the fifth consecutive year and wins the DHL Fastest Pit Stop Award.

“DHL congratulates Max Verstappen and Oracle Red Bull Racing for their accomplishments during this season. In a sport where speed is everything, one of the biggest individual successes is winning the DHL Fastest Lap Award. We look forward to continuing our almost 40-year-long partnership with Formula 1® and providing a growing range of sustainable and efficient logistics solutions,” said Arjan Sissing, Head of Global Brand Marketing at DHL, who presented the award to Max Verstappen.

Max Verstappen was the fastest man this season, beating out his competition to win his first-ever DHL Fastest Lap Award. Max is the first Red Bull driver to win the award since Sebastian Vettel in 2013. “It has been a fantastic season, and this award highlights what we have achieved as a team. I like to go for the perfect lap at every track, and having accomplished the five fastest laps during this season isn’t bad at all!,” says Max Verstappen.

Geoff Walsh, Country Manager DHL Express UAE, also noted on the outstanding performance of the race team: “The Red Bull team winning the DHL Fastest Pit Stop Award for the fifth time in a row is an incredible achievement which shows their commitment to consistency and precision.” Walsh presented the award to the team. 


马克斯·维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)是本赛季跑得*快的人,击败了他的竞争对手,赢得了他的第一个DHL*快圈速奖。马克斯是自2013年塞巴斯蒂安·维特尔(Sebastian Vettel)以来第一位获得该奖项的红牛车手。“这是一个梦幻般的赛季,这个奖项突出了我们作为一个团队所取得的成就。我喜欢在每条赛道上都追求完美的圈速,在这个赛季中完成了*快的五圈一点也不差!“Max Verstappen说。DHL Express UAE国家经理Geoff Walsh也提到了赛车队的出色表现:“红牛车队连续第五次赢得DHL*快进站Award是一项令人难以置信的成就,表明了他们对一致性和准确性的承诺。沃尔什为团队颁发了奖项。



将世界上*大的赛车系列赛转移到 20 个国家/地区是一项艰巨的任务。作为一级方程式®赛车的官方物流合作伙伴,DHL 利用其全球物流网络向全球 1 场比赛运输汽车、发动机、燃料、广播设备以及营销和酒店材料。DHL 总共组织了一级方程式®赛车的物流,行程超过 22,1 公里,使用多达 120 个海运集装箱、000 辆卡车和 120 架飞机。“DHL 与我们的合作伙伴 F30® 一起,坚定地致力于可持续发展和减少碳排放,为我们的星球和未来创造积极影响,”Sissing 说。


F1®商业董事总经理布兰登·斯诺(Brandon Snow)补充道:“我要感谢DHL在整个赛季中不断的辛勤工作和支持,因为我们结束了F1梦幻般的一年。我们第一次在迈阿密比赛时面临着新的后勤挑战,然后返回澳大利亚、加拿大、新加坡和日本,DHL 当然在举办这些活动方面发挥了至关重要的关键作用,始终确保尽可能可持续地进行。

本季,DHL 专注于提高人们对海洋塑料污染和回收的认识。鉴于上周的圣保罗大奖赛,DHL 与巴西非政府组织 EcoFaxina 和 Sobrasa 合作,清除了伊塔基坦杜瓦海滩和圣维森特红树林的废物污染。90名志愿者捡起了超过500公斤的废物,当地艺术家爱德华多·斯鲁尔(Eduardo Srur)随后使用收集到的材料制作了F1汽车雕塑。今年早些时候,与用回收材料制作配饰的时尚公司BE London合作,设计了一个限量版系列“DHL x BE London”。赛道收藏“来自F1赛道上使用的赛道旁横幅。所有收益都捐赠给了塑料银行,这是一家社会企业,旨在帮助减少进入水道和海洋的塑料量。从这次合作中收集了超过27,000吨塑料。DHL 和 F1® 期待在 2023 年继续保持长期合作伙伴关系,并期待在 24 年举办另一场激动人心的比赛日历,总计创纪录的 <> 场比赛,同时将可持续发展放在议程上的重要位置。

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