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江宁区联邦国际快递网点 江宁FedEx国际快递电话

FedEx Corp.(纽约证交所代码: FDX)旗下附属公司兼全球规模的速递运输公司之一联邦快递今日宣布在中国市场推出全新电子在线国际快递寄件工具FedEx®速寄,简化寄件流程 。该在线工具适用于从前往全球220多个国家和地区的国际快递服务,其中包括“联邦快递国际特早快递服务、联邦快递国际优先快递服务和联邦快递国际经济快递服务。


  该一站式国际快递寄件工具专为中小型企业而设计,客户无需下载额外程序或开设账户,亦无需拨打客服热线,只需登录联邦快递中国的“FedEx® 速寄”专属页面,或者微信服务号“FedEx中国的子菜单FedEx速寄,即可在线完成寄送国际货件的每一步,其中包括询价、创建网上订单、预定包装材料、预约取件时间、调用寄件历史/商业发票模板、打印运单和查询货件状态等,并可通过现金和微信/支付宝移动支付付款。


Chen Jialiang, president of FedEx China, said: FedEx has been innovating and developing various electronic tools to provide customers with convenient transportation services. FedEx Express is an electronic delivery tool developed by us, which simplifies the process of international delivery. Although this mailing tool is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, all customers, whether they have a FedEx account or not, can easily complete the order process online or mobile.


FedEx is committed to providing efficient transportation services for small and medium-sized enterprises. Through the development of a series of transportation tools, they can focus on developing their core businesses without worrying about the problem of cargo transportation. According to customer feedback, FedEx will continue to improve FedEx ® The function of express mail can further improve the customer's service experience.

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