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台州FedEx国际快递 台州联邦国际快递

发布:2024-10-26 13:44,更新:2024-10-26 13:44

联邦快递公司(NYSE:FDX),家 世界上的 货运航空公司,今天宣布 一个雄心勃勃的 目标,以实现 碳-中性 操作 全球 到2040年。

  为 帮助 实现这一目标, 联邦快递正在三个关键领域超过 20 亿美元的初始投资:汽车电气化、可持续能源和碳封存。

  这包括向耶鲁大学承诺提供 1 亿美元,以帮助建立 耶鲁 自然碳捕获中心,加速对大规模碳封存方法的研究,Zui初的重点是帮助抵消相当于当前航空公司排放的温室气体排放。

  “我们有 责任 采取大胆的 行动 在 应对 气候 挑战,施表示, hairman兼执行官,联邦快递公司 这一目标, 进一步巩固了我们在整个我们的业务可持续发展的长期承诺,而 在同一时间的投资 联邦快递和我们整个行业的长期转型解决方案。


  FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX), home of the world’s largest cargo airline, announced today an ambitious goal to achieve carbon–neutral operations globally by 2040.

To help reach this goal, FedEx is designating more than $2 billion of initial investment in three key areas: vehicle electrification, sustainable energy, and carbon sequestration.

  This includes a pledge of $100 million to Yale University to help establish the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture, accelerating research into methods of carbon sequestration at scale, with an initial focus on helping to offset greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to current airline emissions.

  “We have a responsibility to take bold action in addressing climate challenges,” said Frederick W. Smith, Chairman and CEO, FedEx Corp. “This goal builds on our longstanding commitment to sustainability throughout our operations, while at the same time investing in long-term, transformational solutions for FedEx and our entire industry.”



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