新浦区联邦国际快递网点 新浦FedEx快递公司
FedEx Corp.(纽约所代码:FDX)今天宣布,FedEx Ground 已于周日正式开始为大多数美国人口提供 FedEx 送货上门包裹,推动的快递公司之一的转型。全球运输网络,以更好地服务快速增长的电子商务市场。
FedEx 总裁兼运营官 Raj Subramaniam 表示:“现在 FedEx Ground 在周日将 FedEx 送货上门包裹运送到大多数美国住宅,我们大大提高了速度优势,以开启新的一年。” Corp. “这为全美的电子商务托运人以及 7,700 个城镇的 1.88 亿在线购物者提供了附加值,联邦快递送货上门包裹在周日送达。随着越来越多的客户期待周末派送,我们网络的这种增强意味着现在每一天都是 FedEx 的派送日。”
周日递送住宅包裹可使大多数航线的运输速度加快一两天,这一优势对于医疗保健和易腐货物的托运人和消费者而言尤其有价值。FedEx Ground 已经比 UPS Ground 更快地到达更多地点。
During the recent holiday season, FedEx Ground began to deliver residential packages on Sunday
Subramaniam added: "In the past peak season, delivery 7 days a week is crucial to our success, because we have experienced some * busy days in the company's history, including nearly 38 million packages delivered on Internet Monday alone.
During the holiday transportation peak, FedEx Ground's number of FedEx door-to-door packages in December increased 42% year on year, and nearly 8 million FedEx door-to-door packages were delivered on the Sunday between Black Friday and Christmas Eve. Although the number reached a record high, nearly 18% of FedEx Ground packages were delivered one day in advance. Once again, FedEx Ground maintains the standard of transportation time throughout the holiday season, setting a higher standard than our main competitors.