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十堰DHL国际快递网点 十堰DHL快递邮寄国外

更新时间:2025-01-31 20:00:00
联系手机: 18010889846

  全球的国际快递服务提供商 DHL Express近投资 400 万美元扩大其在康涅狄格州哈特福德的服务中心运营,以适应电子商务和其他行业蓬勃发展带来的进一步预期国际贸易增长。更大的设施和的设备的增加将限度地提高处理能力并实现更早的交付——*终使大哈特福德市场和整个州的国际托运人受益。

  通过增加 16,000 平方英尺的仓储空间,该设施现在的面积接近 38,000 平方英尺,其分拣带周围的车辆数量增加了一倍以上。高效的背靠背卸货皮带设计可以更快地移动和分拣等待 DHL 的送货车辆。

  “随着电子商务、航空航天、制造、机械和设备以及技术等行业在哈特福德市场继续蓬勃发展,我们需要进行扩张,以确保我们有能力为客户提供的服务,因为他们继续在竞争激烈的市场中运营。全球市场,”DHL Express 副总裁兼东北部总 Wolfs 说。“我们相信,随着设施的扩大和高效的设计,我们将能够进一步超越客户对更快发货和高质量服务的期望。”

  该设施的取货和送货服务区位于西哈特福德的南街 141 号,包括大哈特福德地区,以及北到马萨诸塞州阿默斯特、西到康涅狄格州托灵顿、南到长岛海峡和东到罗德岛的地区边界。

  由 50 名 DHL 认证的国际专家组成的这个扩大的服务中心使国际货件的入站分拣能力增加了一倍。该设施还通过往返公司位于辛辛那提/北肯塔基机场的美洲枢纽的直飞航班以及往返 DHL JFK 国际门户的陆路航班与全球 DHL 网络相连。

  DHL Express, the world’s leading international express service provider, recently invested $4 million to expand its service center operation in Hartford, Conn to accommodate further anticipated international trade growth as a result of the boom in e-commerce and other industries. A larger facility and the addition of state-of-the-art equipment will maximize processing capabilities and enable earlier deliveries — ultimately benefiting international shippers in the greater Hartford market and throughout the state.

  By adding 16,000 sq. ft. of warehousing space, the facility now measures nearly 38,000 sq. ft. and has the capacity to stage more than double the number of vehicles around its sorting belt. An efficient back-to-back-unload belt design enables faster movement and sorting to awaiting DHL delivery vehicles.

  “As industries including e-commerce, aerospace, manufacturing, machinery and equipment and technology continue to boom in the Hartford market, we needed to expand to ensure we had the capabilities and capacity to best serve our customers as they continue to operate within a competitive global marketplace,” said Reiner Wolfs, DHL Express VP and General Manager of the Northeast. “We are confident that with the expanded facility and efficient design, we will be able to further exceed customer expectations for faster shipment deliveries and high-quality service.”

  Located at 141 South Street in West Hartford, the facility’s pickup and delivery service area encompasses the greater Hartford area, along with areas north to Amherst, Mass west to Torrington, Conn south to Long Island Sound and east to the Rhode Island border.

  Staffed by 50 DHL Certified International Specialists, this expanded service center has doubled the inbound sorting capacity for international shipments. The facility is also connected to the DHL network globally through direct flights to and from the company’s Americas Hub at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport, as well as via ground to and from the DHL JFK International Gateway.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 邮编:23000
  • 电话:15955942666
  • 销售经理:程瑞
  • 手机:18010889846
  • 微信:dh15955942666
  • QQ:976888244
  • Email:976888244@qq.com