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许昌DHL国际快递公司 许昌DHL快递邮寄网点

更新时间:2025-02-01 20:00:00
联系手机: 18010889846

DHL Freight 是欧洲的公路货运服务提供商之一,通过部署由戴姆勒卡车制造的两台 FUSO eCanter,为其货运代理业务带来电气化。今天正式向批欧洲客户交付车辆标志着 DHL Freight 在柏林大都市区为期 24 个月的电动卡车广泛测试阶段的开始。7.5 吨 eCanter 是辆全电动、批量生产的卡车。其低排放驱动和低噪音水平使其在货运卡车中。使用替代驱动器,例如内置于全电动 FUSO eCanter 的驱动器,在实现我们到 2050 年将所有与物流相关的排放量降至零的全集团目标方面发挥着重要作用。DHL Freight 坚定地致力于帮助实现这一目标。通过部署 eCanter,我们希望减少货运业务的排放以及当地空气污染排放,从而减少我们和客户的碳足迹,”DHL Freight 执行官 Uwe Brinks 解释道。低排放货运在接下来的几个月里,这两辆全电动卡车将在柏林的 Wustermark 分公司启动,提供当地的货运代理服务。在这里,新的轻型卡车将主要用于为市中心的企业和私人客户送货。这些卡车将在道路上向私人客户运送重量超过 35 公斤的小于集装箱的货物,例如电动或大型家用电器。DHL Freight 将使用 eCanter 进行取货和送货,目的是减少公路运输业务中英里和一英里服务的污染。


  除了为 DHL Freight 提供的两辆车外,DHL Parcel 还正式为柏林地区接手了四辆电动卡车。DHL Parcel 将使用柏林市中心区的四辆卡车为公司和主要客户供货。电动卡车完全融入运营流程,取代了之前使用的车辆。测试的目的是获得更多有关使用电动卡车进行公司交付的信息。

  就总拥有成本而言,全电动 FUSO eCanter 比传统的柴油驱动车辆更具成本效益,续航里程约为 100 公里,商业有效载荷为 3.5 吨。


The environmental protection plan GoGreen of Deutsche Post DHL Group includes transparent calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as various emission reduction practices and technologies. By 2025, compared with the 2007 benchmark, Deutsche Post DHL Group will increase the carbon efficiency of its own activities and its transport subcontractor activities by 50% globally. At the local level, the Group aims to improve the lives of people living and working places through clean transportation solutions. Deutsche Post DHL Group will provide 70% of its miles and one mile service through clean pickup and delivery solutions (such as electric vehicles)., Deutsche Post DHL Group will reduce the net emissions related to logistics to zero by 2050.The use of vehicles with alternative drives and technologies plays an important role in this regard, which is why DHL has tested and implemented various concepts worldwide. In addition to the new drivers, other emission reduction strategies are also used, such as the truck superstructure that saves fuel and thus reduces emissions. These include aerodynamic teardrop trailers, which have a water drop roof to reduce air drag, thus reducing fuel consumption by 6% to 10% compared with traditional heavy trucks. Since 2014, DHL Freight has been using teardrop trailers in the transportation business of Germany, France and Benelux.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 邮编:23000
  • 电话:15955942666
  • 销售经理:程瑞
  • 手机:18010889846
  • 微信:dh15955942666
  • QQ:976888244
  • Email:976888244@qq.com