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淮北DHL国际快递网点 淮北DHL中外运公司

更新时间:2024-09-27 20:00:00

DHL Express 是全世界物流和快递领域内的,作为该地域家完成从非洲到阿拉伯联合酋长国的运输的物流供应商,为创建以色列和阿拉伯联合酋长国间的商贸做出贡献。在*近的和平协议商谈以后,两国之间的贸易自 9 月 15 日逐渐创建。根据联接特拉维夫和阿联酋等大城市的重要核心区,该开发规划进一步加强了 DHL 的互联网。

DHL Express 全世界执政官 John Pearson 表明:“大家 DHL 相信经济全球化,对外开放界限是提升世界经济生产力水平重要。伴随着以色列和迪拜间的和平协议已经起效,我们自己的全世界 DHL 互联网使在两国之间迅速重新建立物流路线得以实现。我始终相信,两国之间也将得益于不断增长的物品流动性。更为关键的是,伴随着出口贸易进一步扩大,这将复兴全部中东国家的兴盛。”

DHL 变成个成功完成从俄罗斯到阿拉伯联合酋长国的运输的物流专家,交货十分独特。在取得正式批准逐渐商贸后,DHL Express Israel 执政官 Yair Biton 跟他在迪拜同事发送了一枚限量钱币,以庆贺和平协议。这颗钱币由非洲钱币和勋章公司盖章。

Yair Biton 评论道:“除开彼此商业界间的普遍发展潜力以外,迪拜与****的关联和经济往来十分紧密,为非洲公司带来了通向阿拉伯世界的门户网。我们自己的国际网络使我们的产品可以跨越国界进行新兴业务,这符合大家‘联接大家,改变现状’使命。


DHL Express is in the field of global logistics and express delivery. As a logistics supplier in the region, it has made contributions to the establishment of trade between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. After the recent peace agreement negotiations, trade between the two countries began to be established on September 15. The development project further strengthens DHL's network by connecting major hubs in major cities such as Tel Aviv and Dubai.John Pearson, Global Executive Officer of DHL Express, said: "We DHL firmly believe that globalization and opening borders are the key to improving global economic productivity. With the peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates now in force, our global DHL network makes it possible to quickly establish new logistics routes between the two countries. We believe that both countries will benefit from the increasing flow of goods. More importantly, with the further expansion of trade, it will revitalize the prosperity of the entire Middle East region."


DHL has become a logistics expert who successfully completed the freight transportation from Israel to the United Arab Emirates, and the delivery is very special. After obtaining the official approval to start trade, Yair Biton, the executive officer of DHL Express Israel, sent a limited edition coin to his colleagues in the United Arab Emirates to celebrate the peace agreement. This coin is stamped by the Israeli Coin and Medal Company.Yair Biton commented: "In addition to the broad potential between the business communities of both sides, the UAE has very close contacts and trade exchanges with other countries, providing Israeli enterprises with a gateway to the Arab world. Our international network enables our customers to carry out new businesses across national borders, which is in line with our mission of 'connecting people and improving life'.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 邮编:23000
  • 电话:15955942666
  • 销售经理:程瑞
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  • Email:976888244@qq.com