全国服务热线 18010889846

沧浪区联邦国际快递网点 沧浪区FedEx国际快递公司

更新时间:2024-10-05 20:00:00

The FedEx network in Canglang District is specialized in the international express logistics special line transportation company, integrating many international special lines. The advantages of the special line are good controllability, low price, strong customs clearance, and international special line service: the international special line is our main business project, which integrates the advantages of service providers around the world, with good price, controllable process, flexible operation, and good security Fast delivery and other advantages. At present, there are about 40 countries that have opened special lines, including pay-as-you-go and prepaid services to all parts of the world. Our company has operated the Japanese overnight express. International express line service: international express line service, for countries and regions such as Asia, the Middle East, Britain, France and Germany, the United States, Canada, etc., low price, fast efficiency, safety, reliability, and convenient inquiry 2. International air transport service for general cargo 3. Provide shipping container and LCL business 4. Partner DHL International Express Service Co., Ltd. has continuously learned from past experience in its development and adhered to the path of scientific development, Adhere to the scientific concept of continuous innovation and scientific management methods, and strive to continuously improve ourbusiness level and service level. In the near future, our capabilities in all aspects will become higher, faster and stronger.


联邦快递隶属于美国联邦快递集团(FedEx Corp.),是集团快递运输业务的中坚力量。联邦快递集团为遍及全球的顾客和企业提供涵盖运输、电子商务和商业运作等一系列的全面服务。作为一个久负盛名的企业品牌,联邦快递集团通过相互竞争和协调管理的运营模式,提供了一套综合的商务应用解决方案,使其年收入高达320亿美元。联邦快递集团激励旗下超过2.6万名员工和承包商高度关注安全问题,恪守品行道德和职业操守的*高标准,并*大程度满足客户和社会的需求,使其屡次被评为全球*受尊敬和*可信赖的雇主。联邦快递是全球*具规模的快递运输公司,为全球超过235个国家及地区提供快捷、可靠的快递服务。联邦快递设有环球航空及陆运网络,通常只需一至两个工作日,就能迅速运送时限紧迫的货件,而且确保准时送达沧浪区联邦国际快递网点一级代理DHL中外运敦豪 、TNT 天地物流、 UPS 联合包裹、 FEDEX 联邦快递、日本佐川急便、港澳台专线、中东专线、欧美专线、法航专线等!2006年5月我公司推出环球先锋快递专线价格优惠,服务专业,安全快速,让您在激烈的商业竟争中赢得尊贵和优势 .公司成立多年以来,凭借先进的管理理念和网络优势,以及多年来从事国际航空快递服务的经验,在国内客户及同行业当中树立了良好的企业形象。并成为DHL中外运敦豪、TNT天地物流、美国UPS联合包裹、美国FEDEX联邦快递、SAGAWA日本佐川急便等知名国际快递的一级代理商,并与国外多家公司建立了良好的合作关系。公司本着为客户提供“省时、省力、省钱”的经营宗旨,在依托公司自身港、澳、台派送网络的基础上精益求精,和世界知名的国际快递公司合作,透过国际快递网络为广大客户提供专业、安全、快捷的国际快递服务。欢迎随时来电咨询! 



  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 邮编:23000
  • 电话:15955942666
  • 销售经理:程瑞
  • 手机:18010889846
  • 微信:dh15955942666
  • QQ:976888244
  • Email:976888244@qq.com