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安庆市ups国际快递电话 安庆ups快递公司

更新时间:2025-01-31 20:00:00
联系手机: 18010889846

数字革命正在进行中,供应链也不例外。跨国公司希望花更少的时间处理手动流程,而将更多时间专注于他们*擅长的事情。这就是为什么 UPS 正在帮助其客户更快、更有效地与公司互动并增强可见性,从而获得竞争优势的原因。

  UPS 供应链解决方案总裁菲利普·吉尔伯特 (Philippe Gilbert) 表示:“UPS 已经听取了我们的客户的意见,我们正在为他们提供所需的服务。“目前,我们正在推出一套新的数字参与工具,使我们的客户能够通过货运代理、经纪和供应链可见性解决方案协调他们的供应链。”

  10 月,UPS 推出了其UPS® Forwarding Hub,这是一种数字工具,可让客户从单个枢纽管理其 UPS Global Freight Forwarding 空运和海运。它具有现代设计和简单的导航功能,使客户能够从头到尾管理他们的货运。例如,客户可以使用高度交互的仪表板来检索报价、预订和跟踪发货以及与客户支持聊天。

  UPS 旨在简化国际货件进口的另一项创新是新推出的 UPS 报关业务门户。该门户专为进口商设计,可分析经纪数据,为客户提供洞察,帮助他们改善日常运营、管理合规性并帮助他们确定经纪部门的战略方向。

  该门户还可以帮助加快进口清关,帮助客户及早发现问题,避免不必要的处罚并利用节省成本的机会。该门户网站还允许客户直接与报关行沟通,通过案例管理系统解决问题、回答问题和上传文件,该系统对信息进行时间戳和保存以符合合规性规定。随着时间的推移,这种**数据分析将变得更加强大,使 UPS 客户能够获得更多收益。

  UPS 是全球的报关行之一,拥有 80 多年的经验和 400 多个进出口清关地点。将公司的见解和实践数字化是成为全球经纪商的关键一步。

  ,今年晚些时候推出的 UPS Supply Chain Symphony? 门户将提供对客户供应链的端到端可见性。Symphony 从 UPS 系统收集、管理和集成客户的供应链数据,使他们能够以几乎实时的可见性增强控制。客户将能够通过单点登录监控他们的供应链并更快地了解他们的数据,因为他们知道数据来自一个单一的事实来源。

UPS Worldwide Expedited® meanwhile provides a cost-effective option that meets the unique shipping requirements for forged wheels and still offers customs-cleared, day-definite delivery, setting the stage for BC Racing to gain a foothold in a very competitive market.

  By using UPS’s WorldShip® shipping software, which offers a one-stop solution for tasks such as printing labels, uploading customs documentation and tracking shipments, the BC team was able to reduce time spent on order processing and allowing employees to focus other aspects of business operations.

  And for customers who require the flexibility to redirect a shipment already in transit – for example if a customer cancels an order or a dealer changes location – UPS also arranged a simple address correction option where all the BC team needs to do is submit a request to UPS and have original recipient reject the shipment to save both time and cost.

  “Providing high quality products and great service will always be our top priorities and we will continue to work to exceed customer expectations for both while demonstrating the calibre of ‘Made in Taiwan’”, said Huang. “Our partnership with UPS has been central to helping us achieve what we have so far, as they allow us to focus on what we do best; develop world class products.”

  As Bor-Chuann continues to develop its range of shock absorber and forged wheel products to suit as many different car and customer types as possible, the company’s ambitious global growth plans continue, buoyed by the success of recent years.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 邮编:23000
  • 电话:15955942666
  • 销售经理:程瑞
  • 手机:18010889846
  • 微信:dh15955942666
  • QQ:976888244
  • Email:976888244@qq.com