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金华市DHL国际快递公司 金华DHL快递服务邮寄下单

更新时间:2025-01-30 20:00:00
联系手机: 18010889846

德国邮政 DHL 集团的空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 宣布 阿西莫托是一家的超高效三轮日常电动车制造商,已选择 DHL 作为其物流供应商,将 Arcimoto 的 Fun Utility Vehicles (FUV) 直接运送到美国各地的客户家中。该合作伙伴关系是 DHL Global Forwarding 关注可持续性和环境管理的一部分。

  “我们很高兴宣布这一合作伙伴关系,利用 DHL Global Forwarding 的数字化物流技术来交付 Arcimoto 的高效电动汽车,这对减少能源消耗、碳排放和空气污染产生了真正的影响,”执行官大卫戈德伯格说, DHL 全球货运,美国。“这种创新完全符合 DHL 的 GoGreen 环保计划,该计划旨在到 2050 年将所有与物流相关的排放量减少到零。”

  超高效的三轮电动 FUV 建于俄勒冈州尤金市的 Arcimoto 制造工厂,专为日常驾驶而设计,而 送货员 和 快速反应器 模型提供专门的交付和应急响应服务,其成本和环境影响只是传统燃气动力车辆的一小部分。


  “对于 Arcimoto 和我们直接面向客户的销售模式而言,这种合作关系是一个令人难以置信的里程碑。当我们计划大规模生产时,我们工厂的无缝交付解决方案至关重要,”Arcimoto 创始人兼执行官 Mark Frohnmayer 说。“DHL的技术、开箱即用的思维以及对可持续性和环境管理的承诺为 Arcimoto 的采用者带来了巨大的胜利,他们将不仅受益于 Fun Utility 的效率和乐趣车辆,还有接收车辆的速度和可达性。”

  DHL Global Forwarding 将使用其数字物流解决方案将 FUV 车辆直接运送到消费者家中。该计划将真正的工厂住宅交付与无缝的在线用户体验相结合,允许从码头到车道进行跟踪,跟踪号码会在每一步通知客户交货日期目标和装运更新。该计划将分两个阶段启动,Zui初侧重于美国本土的 48 个州,随后将扩展至阿拉斯加、夏威夷和国际目的地。

作为全球物流的,DHL 多年来一直在我们的行业设立高标准——这包括走向绿色。该公司的目标是减少自己的碳足迹,并利用 DHL 的全球影响力和致力于可持续发展的合作伙伴,在尽可能降低温室气体排放和为世界提供可持续运输系统方面发挥着重要作用。

  DHL Global Forwarding, Deutsche Post DHL Group’s air and ocean freight specialist, has announced Arcimoto, a leading manufacturer of ultra-efficient three-wheeled everyday electric vehicles, has chosen DHL as their logistics provider to deliver Arcimoto’s Fun Utility Vehicles (FUV) directly to customers' homes across the United States. The partnership is part of DHL Global Forwarding’s focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship.


  “We are very pleased to announce this partnership, leveraging DHL Global Forwarding's digitized logistics technology to deliver Arcimoto's highly-efficient electric vehicles, which are making a real impact in reducing energy consumption, carbon emissions and air pollution,” said David Goldberg, CEO, DHL Global Forwarding, US. “This type of innovation falls squarely in line with DHL’s GoGreen environmental protection program, which aims to reduce all logistics-related emissions to zero by 2050.”

Built at the Arcimoto Manufacturing Plant in Eugene, Oregon, the ultra-efficient three-wheeled electric FUV is designed for everyday driving, while the Deliverator and the Rapid Responder models provide specialized delivery and emergency response services at a fraction of the cost and environmental impact of traditional gas-powered vehicles.

  “This partnership represents an incredible milestone for Arcimoto and our direct-to-customer sales model. As we plan for mass production, a seamless delivery solution from our factory is vitally important,” said Arcimoto Founder and CEO, Mark Frohnmayer. “DHL’s best-in-class technology, out-of-the-box-truck thinking, and commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship drive a huge win for Arcimoto adopters, who will benefit from not only from the efficiency and joy of the Fun Utility Vehicle, but also the speed and accessibility of receiving one.”


  Using its digital logistics solutions, DHL Global Forwarding will deliver the FUV vehicles directly to consumers' homes. The program will combine true factory-direct residential delivery with a seamless online user experience to allow tracking from dock to driveway, with tracking numbers informing customers of delivery date targets and shipment updates every step of the way. The distribution program will launch in two phases, initially focusing on the lower 48 U.S. states, with a later expansion slated to include Alaska, Hawaii and international destinations.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 邮编:23000
  • 电话:15955942666
  • 销售经理:程瑞
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  • Email:976888244@qq.com