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德国邮政敦豪集团是的邮件和物流公司,是即将在波恩举行的 2017 年联合国气候变化大会 COP23 即将上任的斐济国的合作伙伴。此外,该集团还是联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)的合作伙伴,在COP23期间与波恩市建立了现有的合作伙伴关系。斐济将作为主持 COP23,而联合国气候变化将在德国和波恩市的支持下在其波恩总部主办此次会议。该活动将于 11 月 6 日至 17 日在德国邮政敦豪集团总部两侧的联合国校园和波恩莱茵公园举行。预计将有来自世界各地的约20,000名嘉宾参加此次峰会。


  德鲁阿是斐济 COP23 国的象征。它提醒全世界,当谈到气候变化时,我们都在同一条独木舟上。我们必须以集体决心来改变这艘独木舟的风帆,以改变气候行动议程向前推进,”COP23 团协调员 Peniana Lalabalavu 说。“我们要感谢德国邮政敦豪集团提供的惊人支持,该集团利用其国际网络和专家经验将德鲁阿和其他文物转移到波恩”。

  德国邮政 DHL 集团不仅通过提供气候中立运输服务和物流支持来支持其合作伙伴,而且还通过提供空间和会议区来帮助促进会议。此外,集团还组织了一个广泛的计划,从其电子车队的展览到促进可持续性的活动,例如涉及员工和波恩市民的植树计划。“我们很自豪能与斐济和联合国气候变化组织联手,共同实现我们保护环境的共同目标。绿色物流可以在应对气候变化方面发挥关键作用。这就是我们推出 GoGreen 使命 2050 的原因,旨在到 2050 年将我们自己与物流相关的排放量减少到净零,进入可持续物流的新时代。” 克里斯托夫·埃尔哈特说,

  联合国气候变化发言人兼传播与外展计划 (CO) 主任尼克·纳托尔补充说:“联合国气候变化很荣幸主办 COP 23,并决心支持将推动全球气候行动的强有力和积极的成果。德国邮政敦豪集团是我们共同努力实现可持续未来的坚定支持者,也是实现我们使 COP 23 的活动环保的雄心的理想合作伙伴。


  可持续性和责任是德国邮政敦豪集团企业战略的组成部分,2008 年,该集团成为物流行业中个制定气候保护目标的全球企业。这一目标——到 2020 年将其碳效率比 2007 年的基线提高 30%——于 2016 年提前四年实现。2017 年,该公司将目光投向了另一个雄心勃勃的目标:到 2050 年,该集团希望将所有与交通相关的排放量减少到零排放,从而为 2015 年联合国巴黎气候大会制定的“远低于”2 摄氏度的全球变暖目标做出贡献(COP 21)。早在 2013 年,德国邮政 DHL 集团就将波恩打造成无碳配送车辆的模范城市,如今,该集团在波恩地区拥有 100 多辆自己的 StreetScooters。


Deutsche Post DHL Group is a mail and logistics company and a partner of Fiji, which will take office at the upcoming 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP23 in Bonn. In addition, the Group is also a partner of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and established an existing partnership with Bonn during COP23. Fiji will host COP23, and the United Nations Climate Change Conference will be hosted at its Bonn headquarters with the support of Germany and the city of Bonn. The event will be held from November 6 to 17 at the United Nations campus and the Rhine Park in Bonn on both sides of the DHL Group headquarters. It is expected that about 20000 guests from all over the world will attend the summit.Drua is the symbol of the COP23 country in Fiji. It reminds the world that when it comes to climate change, we are all in the same canoe. We must change the sails of this canoe with collective determination to advance the agenda of climate change action," said Penniana Lalabalavu, coordinator of the COP23 mission. "We would like to thank Deutsche Post DHL Group for its amazing support, which used its international network and expert experience to transfer Drua and other cultural relics to Bonn".Deutsche Post DHL Group not only supports its partners by providing climate-neutral transport services and logistics support, but also helps promote meetings by providing space and conference areas. In addition, the Group has also organized a wide range of plans, from its electronic fleet exhibition to activities to promote sustainability, such as the tree planting plan involving employees and the citizens of Bonn. "We are proud to work with Fiji and the United Nations Climate Change Organization to achieve our common goal of protecting the environment. Green logistics can play a key role in addressing climate change. That is why we launched the GoGreen Mission 2050, aiming to reduce our own logistics-related emissions to zero by 2050 and enter a new era of sustainable logistics." Christopher Earhart said,


Nick Nator, spokesman for the United Nations Climate Change and director of the Communication and Outreach Programme (CO), added: "The United Nations Climate Change is honored to host COP 23 and is determined to support the strong and positive results that will promote global climate action. Deutsche Post DHL Group is a strong supporter of our joint efforts to achieve a sustainable future, and also an ideal partner to realize our ambition to make the activities of COP 23 environmentally friendly".Sustainability and responsibility are part of the corporate strategy of Deutsche Post DHL Group. In 2008, the group became the first global enterprise in the logistics industry to set climate protection goals. This goal - to increase its carbon efficiency by 30% from the 2007 baseline by 2020 - will be achieved four years ahead of schedule in 2016. In 2017, the company set its sights on another ambitious goal: by 2050, the group hopes to reduce all transport-related emissions to zero, thus contributing to the global warming target of "far below" 2 degrees Celsius set by the 2015 United Nations Climate Conference in Paris (COP 21). As early as 2013, Deutsche Post DHL Group built Bonn into a model city for carbon-free distribution vehicles. Today, the group owns more than 100 of its own StreetScooters in Bonn.

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