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德国邮政敦豪集团旗下合同物流解决方案和分部的全球市场敦豪供应链获得欧洲雇主认证。根据杰出雇主研究所的数据,该部门在人才战略、职业与继任管理以及领导力发展等类别中获得分。DHL Supply Chain 对不断追求工作条件的承诺得到了欧洲七个参与国的认可,包括:比利时、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、土耳其、英国和爱尔兰。

  我们的员工可以为我们的尊重和成果文化在欧洲得到正式认可而感到自豪。通过以人为本并建立质量基础,我们的 DHL Supply Chain 客户看到了他们业务核心的差异,这才是真正重要的——我们的员工和我们的客户,DHL Supply Chain 欧洲大陆执行官 Hendrik Venter 说、中东和非洲。我们是一家以人为本的企业,我们将继续努力成为物流行业的雇主。

  DHL Supply Chain 的人力资源战略正在推动一项雄心勃勃的议程,其中一个重要部分是提供更进一步的招聘流程。


  我们对员工为我们工作的外观和感觉非常感兴趣——从他们申请时与我们互动的刻,到他们每天如何体验工作场所,负责人 Anne Walther 说。 HR 大陆欧洲、中东和非洲,DHL 供应链。

  DHL Supply Chain 的加速数字化让员工不仅可以参与到用于拣货和包装的协作机器人、室内机器人运输解决方案和戒指扫描仪的实施中,还可以在他们的智能手机上参与电子学习,这是一种虚拟的学习现实;一个研究生课程,让人们在职业生涯的早期承担更多的责任。


The global market DHL supply chain of contract logistics solutions and divisions of Deutsche Post DHL Group has obtained the "European Employer" certification. According to the data of the Institute of Outstanding Employers, the department scored in the categories of talent strategy, career and succession management, and leadership development. DHL Supply Chain's commitment to the continuous pursuit of working conditions has been recognized by seven participating countries in Europe, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and Ireland.Our employees can be proud that our culture of respect and achievement has been officially recognized in Europe. By putting people first and establishing a quality foundation, our DHL Supply Chain customers have seen the differences in their business core, which is really important - our employees and our customers," said Hendrik Venter, executive officer of DHL Supply Chain in continental Europe, the Middle East and Africa. "We are a people-oriented enterprise, and we will continue to strive to become an employer in the logistics industry."


DHL Supply Chain's human resources strategy is driving an ambitious agenda, one of which is to provide further recruitment process.We are very interested in the look and feel of employees working for us - from the moment they interact with us when they apply to how they experience the workplace every day," said Anne Walther, the person in charge. HR Continental Europe, Middle East and Africa, DHL supply chain.The accelerated digitalization of DHL Supply Chain allows employees to participate not only in the implementation of collaborative robots for picking and packaging, indoor robot transportation solutions and ring scanners, but also in e-learning on their smartphones, which is a virtual learning reality; A postgraduate course allows people to take more responsibilities at the early stage of their career.

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