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UPS (纽约所代码:UPS)今天宣布,在下萨克森州经济事务部长 Bernd Althusmann 博士出席的仪式上,在汉诺威-朗根哈根的一个新的 1.6 亿欧元先进技术超级枢纽破土动工。建成后,该枢纽——UPS 在美国以外的投资之一——将成为 UPS 欧洲和德国网络的重要一环,并为企业提供更好的访问该公司智能全球物流网络的机会。

  UPS 德国总裁 Frank Sportolari 表示:“商业和零售电子商务的增长——今年仅在线零售额在德国预计将达到近 700 亿欧元——对 UPS 的服务产生了前所未有的需求。” “电子商务为中小企业提供了一个像微型跨国公司一样进行的平台。改造我们在汉诺威-朗根哈根的现有分拣和配送中心,将使德国各种规模的企业能够接触到全球新的商业客户和消费者,无论是在首尔、旧金山还是斯图加特。


  为了支持汉诺威-朗根哈根超级枢纽在 UPS 网络中的作用,将在运营和管理职能方面创造多达 500 个新工作岗位。先进的自动化技术将使 UPS 能够将设施的分拣能力提高一倍——从每小时 15,000 个包裹增加到 30,000 个,并为大件物品安装单独的处理流程。

  “物流是下萨克森州*重要的经济部门和的雇主之一,”下萨克森州经济事务、劳工、运输和数字化部长 Bernd Althusmann 博士说。“朗根哈根和汉诺威位于德国中部和欧洲的中心——物流行业几乎可以像其他任何地方一样从中获利。因此,UPS 分支机构的扩张是对汉诺威地区业务地点的承诺,同时也是当地公司出口活动的开门红。”

  一旦第二阶段的建设于 2023 年完成,新的枢纽将占地 24,000 平方米——相当于三个足球场。建设的阶段将涉及在现有设施旁边建造一座新建筑,由2021 年夏天。第二阶段将涉及拆除现有的分拣配送中心并建造第二座建筑物。


In order to support UPS to achieve its global sustainable development goals, the hub will be built according to the gold standard of the German Commission for Sustainable Construction (DGNB), and will include provisions to support the electrification of future delivery fleets. In order to ensure that sustainability does not stop at the power socket, UPS in Germany is providing its facilities and electric transport vehicles with electricity completely from renewable energy.The new facility is part of the company's multi-year European investment plan, which aims to modernize and expand the UPS network across the European continent. As part of the plan, the investment in Germany includes new and upgraded hubs in Bielefeld, Hern and Nuremberg to supplement the European super hubs near London, Paris and Eindhoven.Combined with UPS economy, intelligent upgrade of cross-border transportation and UPS Access Point? Location and other new services and solutions, UPS enables companies of all sizes in Germany, Europe and around the world to deliver products in the following circumstances, where and how their customers want.UPS has been doing business in Germany since 1976. It has expanded to international markets outside North America. The company currently has 86 operating facilities in Germany, including its European aviation hub at Cologne-Born Airport.

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